Welcome to the City of Wrenshall


Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM until 4:00 PM
Office Telephone:
City Clerk Email:  cityofwrenshall@gmail.com

Mailing Address;
PO Box 157
Wrenshall, MN  55797

Physical Address;
400 Alcohol Road
Wrenshall, MN  55797

Please enter the City Office from the parking lot at the BACK of the fire hall,
400 Alcohol Road (Cty Rd 51)



1st Wednesday of each month (unless noted) at 6:00PM

Next Meeting:

Regular Meeting

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

6:00 PM

 Please be advised that the agendas posted are preliminary agendas and items could be added or removed before final approval at the meeting.       

Minutes from any Special Meetings are available upon request at the Wrenshall City Office located inside City Hall.

Minnesota Capital Investment Committee Hearing 3/13/25.

Thank you to Mayor Jeff Bloom, Commissioner Susan Zymslony, Councilman Studniski, Mark Thell, Representative Jeff Dotseth, Carlton County's - Ryan Pervenanze and Bollig's - Laura Ostlie for attending Wrenshalls hearing at the Capital on 3/13/25.  Special Thank You to Mark Thell for his contributions.  Speakers Bloom and Zymslony gave testimony on Wrenshalls behalf.  (See pictures below.) 

To watch hearing HF 832 go to Minnesota House of Representatives       (Hearing time 1:04:35.)



This may affect your 2026 property taxes.

The Board of Appeal and Equalization OPEN BOOK MEETING for the CITY OF WRENSHALL will meet on:

Monday, April 28, 2025

From 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM

at the Assessor’s Office, Carlton County Courthouse. 

The purpose of this meeting is to determine whether property in the jurisdiction has been properly valued and classified by the assessor. 

If you believe the value or classification of your property is incorrect, please contact your assessor’s office to discuss your concerns. If you disagree with the valuation or classification after discussing it with your assessor, you may appear before the local Board of Appeal and Equalization, OPEN BOOK MEETING. The board/assessor will review your assessments and may make corrections as needed. Generally, you must appeal to the local board before appealing to the county Board of Appeal and Equalization.

City Hall Location


400 Alcohol Road

PO Box 157

Wrenshall, MN 55797-9042, United States


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